I don't particularly like giving talks, but I must admit I
sometimes enjoy preparing the slides! Well, more so if I can do it
with LaTeX or
OpenOffice, insofar as possible
I try not to use any M$ PowerPoint! You may therefore also like to take
a look at the malavita
(Mattia's LaTeX Viewgraph Tactics) package which I developed while
preparing my talks. As of early 2003, however I've also been using
OpenOffice presentation tool
with a certain frequency, and I'd say it's (if not exactly mature)
pretty good! If you're interested, you may consider taking a look at
my mostly trivial pieces of advice on computer-based
- 9 September 1999, Scuola Superiore Guglielmo Reiss Romoli, L'Aquila, Italy, International School of Space Science. "Observation of Galaxies with GAIA".
- 28 September 1999, Asiago Astrophysical Observatory, Asiago, Italy. "Osservazione di Galassie con GAIA".
- 17 July 2000, Department of Physics "Galileo Galilei", Padova, Italy,
Master Thesis Colloquium. "GAIA Galaxy Survey: Simulated Observation of Galaxies with ESA GAIA Satellite". PDF English and Italian slides.
- 17 May 2001,
Summer School "GAIA: a European Space Project", held on 14-18 May 2001 at the École de Physique des Houches, Les Houches, France. "GAIA Galaxy Survey: a Multi-Color Galaxy Survey with GAIA". PDF slides.
- 25 September 2001, "Probing the Origin of the Extragalactic Background Radiation" EU TMR network meeting, held on 25-26 September 2001 at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, "ELAIS 15 $\mu$m Northern Fields: A Status Report on Data Reduction with the LARI Method". PDF slides.
- 24 October 2001, Prima Scuola Nazionale INAF/INFN di Fisica Astroparticellare, University Residential Centre, Bertinoro, Italy. "ISO Data Reduction with the LARI Method".
- 6 February 2002, Padova Workshop on Galaxy Formation and Evolution, held on 6-7 February 2002 at the Department of Astronomy of the University of Padova. "ISO Extragalactic Surveys: Data Reduction with the LARI Method". PDF slides.
- 5 June 2002, Scuola Nazionale di Astrofisica (SNAF), Sesto Ciclo (2001-2002), Terzo Corso, 3-7 June 2002, Cetraro (CS), Italy. "ISO Extragalactic Surveys: Data Reduction with the LARI Method". PDF slides.
- 27 June 2002, Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, 24-27 June, 2002, Sigüenza, Spain. "Final Analysis of ELAIS 15 $\mu$m Northern Fields: Data Reduction with the LARI Method". PDF slides.
- 27 August 2002, Asiago Rendez-Vous 2002: Nuove prospettive per l'Astronomia Italiana dalla Terra e dallo Spazio, 26-27 Auguest 2002, Asiago Astrophysical Observatory, Asiago (VI), Italy. "The ELAIS Fields: Final Results from ISO and Future Prospects".
- 4 September 2002, ROE Workshop 2002, "The Invisible Universe - Survey Astronomy at Wavelengths beyond 1 Micron", 4-5 September 2002, Royal Observatory of Edinburgh. "The ELAIS Fields: Final Results from ISO and Future Prospects".
- 17 December 2002, PACS Extragalactic Programs Italian Meeting, SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, "Extragalactic Surveys with Herschel".
- 16 April 2003, Nuovi Orizzonti dell'Astrofisica Italiana, XLVII SAIt (Società Astronomica Italiana - Italian Astronomical Society) Congress, 14-17 April 2003, Trieste, Italy. "The ELAIS Fields: Final Results from ISO and Future Prospects".
- 9 May 2003, SIGRAV Graduate School in Contemporary Relativity and Gravitational Physics, Fifth Edition: Joint Evolution of Black Holes and Galaxies, 5-10 May 2003, Villa Olmo, Como, Italy, "The ELAIS Fields: Final Results from ISO and Future Prospects".
- 18 June 2003,
Multiwavelength Cosmology, 17-20 June 2003, Mykonos Island, Greece, "Final Analysis of ELAIS 15 $\mu$m Fields."
Preparing posters is (if only the first few times) a particularly interesting
LaTeX exercise...
- "The LARI Method for ISO-CAM/PHOT Data Reduction and Analysis":
PDF poster
as presented in
Spain, in June 2002
- "The LARI Method for ISO-CAM/PHOT Data Reduction and Analysis":
PDF poster
as presented in
Italy, in April 2003
- "Final Analysis of ELAIS 15 $\mu$m Observations":
PDF poster
as presented in
Italy, in October 2003
And after that I started keeping an online schedule!