My 2010 Schedule
- 10 February : Venezia --> Madrid
- 11-12 February : Herschel Data Processing Users Group Meeting, ESAC, Madrid, Spain
- 13 February : Madrid --> Venezia
- 16 February : Venezia --> London ==> Brighton
- 17-18 February : HerMES Consortium Meeting @ University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
- 19 February : Visiting Markos @ Imperial College, London, UK
- 22-26 February : Visiting HerMES Folks @ University of Sussex
- 26 February : Brighton ==> London --> Venezia
- And after that ... oh, well, I guess I couldn't bother any more!;-)
Legenda --> = Air ==> = Rails ~~> = Wheels "???" = unconfirmed
Oh, and remember, only the past is for sure ... even though its interpretation is model-dependent, of course:-)