My 2009 Schedule
- 13 January : Padova ==> Roma ( SPICA Review @ ASI ) --> London
- 14-16 January : ICC Meeting, RAL
- 18 January : London --> Los Angeles
- 22-23 January : HERMES Meeting, CalTech
- 25-26 January : Los Angeles --> London
- 27 January : London --> Venezia
- 4 February : Padova ==> Roma
- 4-6 February : Testing SPIRE Pipeline with Herschel folks at IFSI/INAF
- 6 February : Roma ==> Padova
- 8 February : Venezia --> Munich --> Toulose
- 9-10 February : Herschel DP UG Meeting, CNES, Toulouse, France
- 10 February : Toulouse --> Munich --> Venezia
- 9 March June : Padova ==> Roma ( Herschel Review @ ASI ) ==> Padova
- 12 May : Padova ==> Roma ~~> Frascati
- 12-15 May : ARENA3 Conference "An astronomical Observatory at Dome C (Antarctica) for the next decade", Villa Tuscolana, Frascati, Roma
- 14 May : Herschel's (& Planck's) Launch Event @ ESRIN/ESA
- 15 May : Frascati ~~> Roma ==> Padova
- 18-19 May : Herschel ATLAS Meeting, Padova
- 3 June : Padova ==> Roma ( SPICA Review @ ASI ) ==> Padova
- 14 June : Venezia --> Paris
- 15-16 June : HERMES Meeting @ IAP, Paris
- 16 June : Paris --> Venezia
- 22 June : Venezia --> Madrid
- 23-24 June : Herschel DP UG Meeting, ESAC/ESA
- 24 June : Madrid --> Venezia
- 27 June : Padova ==> Milan ==> Nice ==> Marseille
- 29 June - 3 July : Marseille Conference
- 4 July : Marseille ==> Nice ==> Milan ==> Padova
- 11 July : Negrita's Concert @
- 17 July : Subsonica's Concert @
- 22 July : Giacomo's Laurea
- 23 July : Bruce Springsteen's Concert, Stadio Friuli, Udine
- 6 August : Venezia --> London
- 13 August : London --> Berlin
- 15 August : Pearl Jam's Concert, Wuhlheide, Berlin
- 18 August : Berlin --> Venezia
- 15 September : Venezia ==> Roma
- 15-16 September : SAFARI/SPICA Consortium Meeting, IFSI/INAF
- 17 September : Roma ==> Venezia
- 20 September : Venezia --> Munich
- 21-22 September : Herschel DP UG Meeting, MPE/MPG
- 23 September : Venezia --> Munich
- 4 October : Venezia --> London
- 5-6 October : HerMES Consortium Meeting, Imperial
- 6 October : London ~~> Chilton
- 7-8 October : SPIRE Consortium Meeting, RAL
- 8 October : Chilton ~~> London
- 9 October : London --> Venezia
- 16-17 November : HerMES Consortium Virtual Meeting, WWW
- 19-20 November : Euro-VO AIDA and Herschel DP UG Meetings, ESAC/ESA
- 14-18 December : "The Origin of Galaxies : Lessons From The Distant Universe", Universitatszentrum Obergurgl, Otz Valley, near Innsbruck, Austria
Legenda --> = Air ==> = Rails ~~> = Wheels "???" = unconfirmed
- ASI = Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italian Space Agency), Roma, Italy
- CalTech = California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA
- IPAC@CalTech = Infrared Processing and Analysis Center @ California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA
- ESAC/ESA = European Space Astronomy Centre / European Space Agency, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain
- ESRIN/ESA = ESA Centre for Earth Observation / European Space Agency, Frascati, Roma, Italy
- IFSI/INAF = Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario (Interplanetary Space Physics Institute) @ Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (National Institute for Astrophysics), Roma, Italy
- MPE/MPG = Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Garching, Munich, Germany
- RAL = Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Oxfordshire, UK
Oh, and remember, only the past is for sure ... even though its interpretation is model-dependent, of course:-)