Padova Links (Last Checked in Summer 2005)

Some useful links for people planning to spend some time in and around Padova. Students considering it for their (under)-graduate studies, people looking for a house, a job or simply "the perfect experience":-)

See also my Astro-Visits to Padova page and my travel links for more general travel information!

Getting There & Away

Venice Airport

Italian Train Timetables

Buses IN Padova

Buses AROUND Padova

Padova Taxis (049651333)

Places to Stay

Padova Youth Hostel

Padova B&Bs

Looking for a House?



Casa Padova

What's going on?





Il Mattino di Padova : Local Newspaper

What to do at Night : Directories

Padovando : Locali

ARCI Padova : Circoli


Teatro Verdi


Padova Cinemas

Movie Connection


Toni Corti

Live Music and the like in and around Padova

All concerts within Padova province from RockOL

Banale, Padova

Pedro, Padova

Centro d'Arte, Jazz and else

Buenaventura, Castelfranco (TV)

New Age, Roncade (TV)

La Gabbia, Bassano (VI)

Search RockOL database for concerts in Marghera (Rivolta, Vapore and 041) or Marcon (Magic Bus)

University and Research

MIUR : Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research

University of Padova

University of Padova Merchandising Store


Department of Physics (University of Padova)

National Institute of Nuclear Physics - Padova Section

Legnaro National Laboratories (National Institute of Nuclear Physics)

Department of Astronomy (University of Padova)

Padova Astronomical Observatory (National Institute of Astrophysics)

Center of Studies and Activities for Space "G. Colombo"

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