My 2007 Schedule
- 13 January : Monia's Birthday, Vinile, Rosà (Vicenza)
- 27 January : Motel Connection Concert, La Gabbia, San Giorgio in Bosco (Padova)
- 31 January : Herschel Open Time Extragalactic Key Program Italian Workshop, Padova
- 19 February : Bergamo (IT) --> Amsterdam
- 20-21 February : Herschel Open Time Key Program Workshop, ESTEC/ESA
- 21 February : Amsterdam --> Bergamo (IT)
- 22 February : VVDS Meeting, Bologna
- 23 February : Venezia --> Madrid --> Tenerife
- 26 February - 2 March : Working with SWIRE folks at IAC
- 2 March : Tenerife --> Madrid
- 2-5 March : Enjoying Madrid At Sergio's
- 5 March : Madrid --> Venezia
- 7 March : Mariposa Concert, Banale, Padova
- 24-29 March : "The Origin of Galaxies : Exploring Galaxy Evolution with the New Generation of Infrared-Millimetre Facilities", Universitatszentrum, Obergurgl, Austria
- 21 April : Padova ~~> Firenze - Italian Astronomical Society Congress - Firenze ~~> Padova
- 21 April : a Night in Venezia at Renso's
- 23 April : Padova ~~> Les Houches (France)
- 24 April - 1 May : "Astronomy in the submillimeter and far infrared domains with the Herschel Space Observatory", Les Houches Winter School, Centre de Phisique des Houches, Les Houches, France
- 2 May : Les Houches (France) ~~> Padova
- 10 May : Treviso (IT) --> London
- 11 May : London --> Vancouver
- 11-14 May : Staying at Carlo's in Vancouver
- 14 May : Visiting SPIRE/SHADES/SCUBA2 Folks @ UBC, Vancouver
- 14 May : Vancouver --> Calgary --> Lethbridge (CA)
- 15-18 May : SPIRE ICC Meeting @ University of Lethbridge, Canada
- 20-21 May : Lethbridge (CA) --> Calgary --> London
- 22-25 May : Visiting SPIRE/SWIRE/SHADES/SCUBA2 folks @ Imperial College
- 26 May : London --> Treviso (IT)
- 9 June : Astro-Cena Multi-Etnica, Asolo
- 11 June : Treviso (IT) --> Roma
- 11-13 June : "Site Testing at Dome C" ARENA Workshop, IFSI-INAF, Frascati, Roma
- 13 June : Roma --> Treviso (IT)
- 15 June : Pearl Jam's Concert, Heineken Jammin' Festival, Parco San Giuliano, Mestre, Venezia
- 24 June : Venezia --> Zurich --> Paris
- 25-27 June : "Submm/FIR Astronomy from Antarctica : Toward a Large Single-Dish Telescope at Dome C?" ARENA Workshop, CEA
- 29 June : Paris --> Zurich --> Venezia
- 7 July : Patti Smith Concert, Villafranca (VR), Castello Scaligero
- 8 July : Treviso (IT) --> London
- 9-11 July : "From IRAS to HERSCHEL/PLANCK : Cosmology with IR and Sub-mm surveys", Royal Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, UK
- 12 July : London --> Treviso (IT)
- 14 July : Arctic Monkeys Concert, Ferrara Sotto le Stelle, Piazza Castello, Ferrara
- 23 July : Padova ==> Roma
- 24 July : Italian Antarctic Astronomy Meeting, INAF, Monte Mario, Roma
- 24 July : Roma ==> Padova
- 31 July : Venezia --> London --> New York --> Mexico City
- 1-8 August : Guillermo Haro Workshop 2007 "The Large Millimeter Telescope : First-Light Science and Future Surveys", INAOE
- 9 August : Mexico City --> Cancun
- 10-22 August : Cancun ~~> Tulum ~~> Chichen Itza ~~> Palenque ~~> San Cristobal ~~> Oaxaca ~~> Puebla
- 24-25 August : Mexico City --> New York --> Venezia
- 24-25 August : Mexico City --> Paris --> Venezia
- 27-31 August : "A Century of Cosmology : Past, Present and Future", San Servolo Island, Venice
- 3 September : Padova ~~> Munich
- 3-4 September : "ALMA Community Meeting", ESO/Garching
- 5-6 September : "Surveys for ALMA", ESO/Garching
- 6 September : Munich ~~> Padova
- 16 September : Venezia --> Berlin
- 17-19 September : "The Astrophysical Science Cases at Dome C" 2nd ARENA Conference, Potsdam, Berlin
- 19 September : Berlin --> Madrid
- 20-21 September : Herschel Observation Planning Workshop, ESAC/ESA
- 22 September : Berlin --> Madrid
- 27 October : Venezia --> Munich --> Stockholm
- 29-31 October : SPIRE Consortium Meeting, Stockholm
- 31 October : Stockholm ==> Malmoe
- 1-2 November : Visiting Erik in Copenhagen
- 4 November : Copenhagen --> Zurich --> Venezia
- 8 November : Venezia --> Zurich --> Los Angeles
- 9-19 November : Visiting IPAC/SSC/NHSC
- 19 November : Los Angeles --> Albuquerque
- 20-21 November : Visiting Jeff @ NRAO, Socorro, New Mexico
- 24 November : Albuquerque --> Los Angeles
- 26-28 November : Visiting IPAC/SSC/NHSC
- 28-29 November : Los Angeles --> Zurich --> Venezia
- 9 December : Dani & Mau get married in Valdobbiadene (Treviso)
Oh, and remember, only the past is for sure ... even though its interpretation is model-dependent, of course:-)
Legenda --> = Air ==> = Rails ~~> = Wheels "???" = unconfirmed
- CEA = Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Saclay, Paris, France
- ESAC/ESA = European Space Astronomy Centre / European Space Agency, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain
- ESO/Garching = European Southern Observatory, Garching, Munich, Germany
- ESTEC/ESA = European Space Research and Technology Centre / European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
- IAC = Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, La Laguna (Tenerife), Spain
- Imperial College = Astrophysics Group, Imperial College, London, UK
- INAOE = Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica, Tonantzintla, Puebla, Mexico